A78 North of Inverkip
£243k investment in maintaining Ayrshire’s roads
An essential programme of work to resurface a section of the northbound carriageway and replace white line markings on the A78 between Bankfoot Roundabout and Loch Thom Road will commence on Monday 23 January 2017.
Scotland TranServ, on behalf of Transport Scotland, will carry out the works over five nights, when traffic flows are usually lighter.
A total closure of the A78 northbound will be in place each night from Monday 23 January until Friday 27 January between the hours of 8.00pm and 6.00am.
A daytime closure will also be in place on from 6.00am to 8.00pm on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 January to allow materials to cool. Loch Thom Junction will also be closed on Tuesday 24 January between 6.00am and 8.00pm. The southbound carriageway will remain open throughout the works.
A local diversion route will be in place for road users traveling northbound via the A770, through Gourock and Greenock and rejoining the A78 at Dalrymple Street.
Andy Fraser, operating company representative for Scotland TranServ said:
“It is essential that we carry out this resurfacing scheme to ensure a smoother, safer journey for road users.
“The A78 is well known as a connecting route between Ayrshire and Inverclyde and we are investing on behalf of our client to maintain this route and support neighbouring communities and the local economy for years to come.”
Real time journey information can be found by visiting Traffic Scotland’s website or Twitter feed @trafficscotland.