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Award for Customer Service Excellence at East Ayrshire Council

Everyday East Ayrshire Council employees are working round the clock carrying out essential tasks which positively affect all members of the community. 

To recognise the excellence displayed every day, the Council hosted the Excellence Awards Ceremony. The event was a celebration of the significant contribution our employees make to our communities. Councillor Douglas Reid, Leader of the Council had sought applications from members of the public for his Customer Service Excellence award and had the unenviable task of choosing a winner from almost 100 nominations. He said: “The Council is here to serve the public and it is the public who are best placed to assess whether or not the service they receive meets their expectations. “The calibre of nominations this year was extremely high. It meant a great deal to me that so many people had taken the time to provide feedback on the services we provide and to highlight the excellence our employees display every day. “Nick Kelly, Stephen Baird and the Outdoor Services team were nominated by Mrs Margaret McLean who lost her son in tragic circumstances earlier this year. The team supported her whole family through their loss and also helped them to clear up The Mount at Knockinlaw in her son’s memory. 

“She wrote: “I would not have been able to grieve as easily for my son if it hadn’t been for the care, kindness and compassion that both of these men showed over and over again.” “Nick, Stephen and the team display excellence in the service they provide to our communities and I was delighted to present them with my award.” The Excellence Award Ceremony would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors: Ashleigh (Scotland) Ltd CBC Ltd CCG (Scotland) Ltd Graham Plumbers Merchant HALO Kilmarnock Imperial Commercials InfraRed Capital Partners Limited Morrison Construction Optima Health PAM OH Solutions ParentPay Zurich Municipal 

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