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Ayr Mothercare Closes Its Doors For The Last Time

It's a sad day for staff at the Ayr High Street Mothercare store as it closed the doors today (Sunday, 14 April) for the last time.

Mothercare Ayr
Image: Ayrshire Daily News

We revealed on 15th February that the store, which has been situated on the High Street for more than 35 years, was set to close.

One staff member working at the store up until its closure, said:

"All the staff had a positive experience of working within Mothercare, and it was a pleasant environment advising parents on the products the company sold.

"Each member of staff was adequately trained whenever a new product arrived in store. Allison, our manager, worked in the store since she was 15 years old and covered 32 years of service.

"The staff are a little overwhelmed with the sadness; they very much enjoyed their interaction with parents to be and new parents, many returning to the store to meet and hold their new babies.

"Many staff have fortunately found new jobs, and a few are still seeking employment."

The staff posed for a photo outside the Ayr High Street store just after they closed the doors for the final time.

Some temporary staff were brought in to help with the closure of the store, with at-least 20% off everything being introduced in the middle of February.

Manager of the store, Allison, said:

"During my 32 years with Mothercare i have seen many changes and worked with great people who will remain as friends for life.

"I would like to thank our loyal customers over the years who have visited with their families covering many generations.

"It has been a wonderful experience and I have very much enjoyed my career, I'm now looking forward to my future career whatever that may bring."

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