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Ayrshire Council wins another top housing award

South Ayrshire Council’s travellers site at Coalpots Road in Girvan, has just scooped another national award!

The site won the 'Excellence in development for affordable housing award' at the CIH Scotland housing awards.

The awards keep coming for these innovative chalet style bungalows; last year the site clinched top spot at the Scottish Home Awards.

Completed by McTaggart Construction in August 2019 at a cost of £1.6 million, the housing which was part funded by the Council and Scottish Government, replaced the former Houdston travellers site in Girvan, which was damaged by flooding.

Councillor Philip Saxton, Housing and Community Wellbeing Portfolio Holder said: "I am delighted with this award, it's further recognition of this important development and the extra effort that went in to ensuring the homes met all the needs of the travellers.

With accolades like this, we know we are delivering affordable housing, which ensures the people of South Ayrshire can grow well, live well and age well."

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