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Ayrshire police deal with 65 road crashes and snowball complaints

IN the last 24 hours Ayrshire Police have dealt with many things. These include 65 road crashes and 10 calls about people throwing snow balls at cars or the windows of properties.

The Police issued the following statement:

"Police in Ayrshire attended a high volume of weather related calls yesterday and also responded to 65 road crashes, one of which involved a drunk driver who was more than three times over the legal limit.

"We also received ten calls regarding people throwing snowballs at cars or windows. The majority of these calls came from older vulnerable people, many of whom were upset or frightened.

"Here are some insights into our policing activity over the past 24 hours."

"With the possibility of further snow, police are encouraging people to be prepared, plan ahead and be patient if out on the roads during poor weather conditions.

"Please also look out for older and vulnerable friends, neighbours and relatives.

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