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BUYMSH dip rescheduled in memory of Princess Tilly

Details of the event from BMSH are below 

Our Annual Boxing Day Dip has NOW been rescheduled to take place on Sunday 19th February 2017. This will be a Valentine's Dip with love and in memory of Tilly.

Princess Tilly from Ayr, tragically lost her battle with cancer in November 2016. Tilly's battle captured the hearts and support of the people of Ayrshire and the #BUYMSH Appeal team are honoured to dedicate this Dip in Tilly's memory.

We, as a 'volunteer run' charity would like to bring together the Ayrshire Community to show our love for Tilly and her family, at this time of the year.

As a children's charity, we must also raise awareness of children and teenage cancer in Ayrshire, and importantly to raise the much needed funds to build a new holiday home in Ayrshire for young children, teenagers and their families suffering with cancer and other life altering illnesses in the UK.

Registration will take place at The RAFA Club from 1pm. Participants aka 'Dippers' will then march down to the beach following our piper and run into the sea at 2pm. The RAFA Club will be open for changing, warming up and refreshments, and they have kindly offered to play live music for our dippers and friends of the #BUYMSH Appeal. The Bar will also be open after the Dip! 

Ayrshire Daily News will be filming the event live. There may be other television/media presence.


1pm Registration at RAFA Club

1.30pm March to Prestwick Beach ( 5 mins max)

2pm Run into the Sea

2.15/30pm Back to RAFA Club to get changed/warm up/refreshments/snacks/live music.


10 Ardayre Road


Ka9 1QL

01292 478776

*Registration - those who had already registered for the Boxing Day Dip could you please message us to let us know if you can make this Valentine's Dip? Any sponsor money collected before hand can be donated on the day at registration.

All dippers MUST register on the day at the RAFA CLUB for health & safety regulations.

Entrance fee: Free

Age Restrictions: all children under 18 years old must have a parent and or guardian accompany them in the Dip.

Age 69 years + must have a letter from their GP.

Fundraising: You can share our charity fundraising page on JustGiving

Or set up your own JustGiving page - look for 'William Duncan Charitable Trust' on JustGiving. William Duncan & Co. are our charity accountants and are holding all monies raised in trust for the Appeal. Please see our JustGiving Page or website for further details -

Donate on the day - we will have bucket collectors on the day. You are welcome to give us a donation then.

BACS Payments and cheques are accepted too. Get in touch for details. All information is on the 'donations' page of our website.

Please contact us on or message us here on Facebook.

We look forward to seeing you then...remember it's fun, it's cold, it's refreshing and most of all it's for charity! 

Join the event page via the link below

BMSH would like to give Thanks to BBD in Ayr for the amusing design work!

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