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Call for local volunteers to sign-up as marshalls for New Cumnock triathlon

A call has been issued for local volunteers to support a supersprint triathlon and junior aquathlon event in New Cumnock which is expected to attract over 150 athletes from across the country.

Mary Clapper manages the pool in New Cumnock

On Saturday 29th September, New Cumnock Open Air Swimming Pool will host entrants aged 8 to 15 in the junior aquathlon event with a 50m swim and a 1.5km run. Adults from all over the country will then compete for a trophy in a supersprint triathlon featuring a 400m swim in Scotland’s only outdoor freshwater swimming pool followed by a 15km cycle and a 3km run around New Cumnock. The senior event is sold-out with a waiting list in operation, while only a handful of places remain for children.

Dumfries House’s Louise McClounie, who is helping to organise the event, said:

“Following the success of last year’s supersprint triathlon and junior aquathlon event in New Cumnock, we are very much looking forward to hosting the event again this year. There is no fee for spectators to watch and so we would love to see as many people as possible coming out to cheer the athletes on.

“Everyone who participates in this year’s event will receive a water bottle and a medal for their efforts and there will be trophies for the winners.”

“As this is a community event, we’re looking for local volunteers to help provide marshalling duties on the day between 11.30am and 4.30pm. Anyone who takes part will be provided with tea, coffee and cakes throughout the day and will be able to enjoy the great atmosphere.”

Staff at the pool in New Cumnock

A recommended spot for keen spectators is the car park transition area at the swimming pool entrance, where swimmers will run out onto their bikes and cyclists will dismount to commence the final run stage. The finish line is also located outside the pool, with supersprint athletes scheduled to complete the circuit between 3pm and 3.30pm.

The Prince’s Foundation, based at nearby Dumfries House, runs New Cumnock Outdoor Swimming Pool and offers an action-packed timetable of pool activities, including aqua-fit and aqua-jogging classes throughout the year.

Those interested in volunteering at the triathlon event should email

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