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Community views survey gives chance for Troon to come together

People who live and work in Troon are being asked for their views and priorities for the town's future as an exciting new steering group launches a community views survey.

The Troon Together consultation gives people the chance to discuss the big issues affecting the future success of Troon and help shape a community action plan that will set priorities for improving the town.

Funded and supported by South Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government's Making Places Fund, Troon Together is led by a steering group including representatives from Troon Community Council, Troon Development Trust, Troon Rotary Club, Troon Business Club, Troon Churches Together, Troon Community Sports Hub, Muirhead Tenants and Residents Association, South Ayrshire Paths Initiative, and Troon and Villages Locality Group.

The Troon Together community views survey is just one part of the consultation, which includes meetings with different groups and interests in the community, workshops with young people and a special community event that will take place in the Walker Hall on 7 September.

The survey asks people to outline their likes and dislikes about the town; their views on what would make it a better place to live/work/visit; what the vision and priorities should be for the future; and how the town can become more sustainable.

Councillor Douglas Campbell, Leader of South Ayrshire Council, said:

"The community views survey is the first step in the Troon Together consultation and it's great to see the group get this up and running so quickly.

"There are no right or wrong answers for the survey. This is about everyone getting the chance to have their say and help shape a successful and sustainable future for Troon that builds on its many strengths and delivers the desired improvements to ensure it is an attractive and welcoming place to live, work and visit for many years to come.

"I have no doubt people and communities in and around Troon will embrace this opportunity to play their part in influencing this important consultation and I look forward to seeing how it takes shape in the coming weeks and months."

The Troon Together community views survey can be completed online at link.

Paper copies of the survey are also available from Troon Library, Troon Customer Service Centre, Troon Swimming Pool, Morrison's, Lavender Room on Portland Street, KeyStore on Deveron Road, Muirhead Activity centre, Premier Store – Barassie.

Further information is available by emailing either colin@stardevelopmentgroup.orgExternal link or link. You can


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