Marr College in Troon is the latest South Ayrshire Council school to set up a business preparing young people for employment when they leave school.

The new enterprise, ‘Creation Station’ allows youngsters to invent and then produce all manner of hot drinks and smoothies, the baristas then serve the drinks to customers.
South Ayrshire Council has been working with the Prince's Trust and Developing Young Workforce Ayrshire (DYW) to get the business up and running.
£7,130 has been invested in the scheme by the Prince's Trust Development Awards (through the Cash Back for Communities programme) and DYW Ayrshire with the funds used to buy equipment vital to make this new enterprise a success.
A further £5,640 of funding has been provided to set up a nail bar appropriately named “Style and File” which will be launched in May.
Ayrshire College is also helping by training the young people so they’re ready when the customers start rolling in.
Councillor William Grant, Lifelong Learning Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said:
"These projects are ideal, not only do they provide practical experience which the young people can use when they leave school, they also build confidence and transferrable skills.
“There is a lot of emphasis on academic achievement in schools but practical experience can be important too. There is a thriving hospitality sector in and around Troon so this training could be vital as a gateway to employment.”
The young people at Marr College will hopefully take part in more of these initiatives going forward.
Jamie Kerr (14) S3 said:
"I want to be a mechanic but I will be dealing with customers so this experience will help me. We have already served Troon Rotary Club who came to the school and we are getting really good.”
Emily McCalmont (14) S3 said:
“This will give me more confidence to deal with people. My maths will also get better as we need to set prices and cost supplies”
Claire Baird, DYW Ayrshire Project Executive said:
“We are absolutely delighted to support such an innovative project and are very impressed by the way the project has been implemented with the full involvement of the young people.”
Walter Smith, Prince’s Trust Ayrshire Chair said: “The “Creation Station” project will develop the core skills that potential employers are looking for in young people including confidence, communication, commitment, customer services and courtesy.”
Elaine McGregor-Sloman, Head Teacher at Marr College said:
"Improving customer care skills could make a big difference to those taking part. They are also learning how to set up and run a business which is inspirational.
“I’m looking forward to the nail bar launching in May as we give even more of our young people the chance to succeed beyond the classroom."