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Doonfoot Primary Staff dance to 'This is Me' for Autism Awareness Week

Staff at Doonfoot Primary School in Ayrshire create an awareness music video to The Greatest Showman's This Is Me song for Autism Week.

Even the lollipop man can be seen having a dance in the school playground.

Well done to all involved at Doonfoot Primary School from the Ayrshire Daily News team.

Michelle McphieStirrat, who is a Primary 5 teacher at Doonfoot and secretly had the project up her sleeve told the Ayrshire Daily News:

"This week is World Autism Awareness Week and our focus is ‘Celebrating Individuality’ throughout the whole school. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that affects how people perceive the world and interact with others.

"At least 1 in 100 people in the UK have autism. We know that helping young people to understand autism as they grow up will equip them to accept and empathise with autistic people.

"Myself and Abby Anderson created the video to the Greatest Showman soundtrack, This Is Me, with the help of all Doonfoot staff to inspire and kick start a week of lessons that will help children understand what autism is and also to celebrate the individuality of every pupil in the school."

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