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Drunk man swings punch at innocent shopper in Morrisons

A 52 year old man was assaulted whilst shopping at supermarket giant Morrisons, in Ayr around 8.50pm on 15th January 2016.

Lawrence Graney, 52, went into the supermarket for some late night shopping, once he got all his goods, Mr Graney made his way to the self-service checkout's, where the assistant gave him a hand with the items - to which they engaged in some friendly conversation.

Lawrence told Ayrshire Daily News: "Whilst I was talking to the shop assistant, a drunk man around about 19 years of age was being ushered out of the store by a staff member through the self-service area.

"According to staff, he had been in the shop earlier and was told to leave. He was swaying from side to side whilst walking backwards and was very drunk and viciously aggressive.

"The shop staff tried to get him out, then he stopped about 2 feet from my right hand side and slightly behind me. - My back was to the entrance/exit door.

"As I turned and looked at him, I didn't speak to him, he took a full swing at my face with his right hand and cut my right nostril. The shop staff eventually managed to get him out of the shop.

"The store manager called the police. and they arrived at about 9.55 pm and took statements. There is CCTV available, but the store manager could not access it."

Just over one week later and Mr Graney has told ADN, that the store has still not managed to get CCTV footage to the Police - The Manager of the store says this is because of a tech fault with the hard drive and the computer system.

The young man who assaulted Lawrence Graney, 52, has yet to be traced.

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