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Government's Council Tax increase to raise £2.5 million in South Ayrshire

Around £2.5 million is expected to be raised by local residents in South Ayrshire next year as a result of changes imposed by the Scottish Government to Council Tax bills for properties in Bands E to H.

Almost 18,000 households in South Ayrshire will see their Council Tax bills increase between at least £100-£500 next year ­­­– or between £2-£10 per week – following the Scottish Government's revisions to the highest Council Tax bands.

Councillor Bill McIntosh, Leader of South Ayrshire Council, said: "After so many years with no change in the Council Tax, these Scottish Government increases – of between 7 and 22 per cent – are likely to come as quite a shock to affected households and it's important that they start planning now for payments going up from April.

"And while these changes will not impact on the lower value properties, they could easily create a financial burden on those in the affected property bands who are just managing to get by, or who are low income households.

"Revisions to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme mean that some of these taxpayers will qualify for financial support and we will provide the relevant guidance, which we're currently awaiting, with the annual Council Tax billing notice in the new year.

"We will do all we can to make sure every penny raised as a result of the Government's increase to Council Tax makes a difference for the people and communities of South Ayrshire – however, this has to be considered in the context of a net reduction in our overall funding from Government.

"In the meantime, it's important our residents prepare for the changes being made to the Council Tax bands by the Scottish Government from 1 April 2017."

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