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Have your say on New Cumnock improvement plans

Residents in New Cumnock have the opportunity to put forward their ideas for improving New Cumnock to the Council as part of a Local Place Plan for the area.

A drop-in session has been arranged in New Cumnock Town Hall on Saturday 12 October from 12pm to 4pm where the draft plan will be presented which builds on the work of the Local Development Trust. Those attending will be able to mould the final plan by engaging with Council staff in a number of map and picture based discussions and a community walkabout. It is expected that the final plan will be adopted by the Council as part of the East Ayrshire Local Development Plan.

Councillor Jim Roberts, East Ayrshire Council Cabinet Member for Economy and Infrastructure said:

“We are committed to engaging our communities as we recognise that the special knowledge and talents of local people can help us focus on the key priorities for an area. “Adopting community priorities into a Local Place plan gives our communities the comfort that the Council is behind their ideas and gives external funding partners evidence of scrutiny both at a community and elected member level. This enhances the chances of funding applications being successful. I would encourage anyone living in New Cumnock or surrounding areas to come along or to complete the online survey.” The survey can be accessed at: For further information, contact John Semple on 01563 553539.

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