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Have your say on North Ayrshire Council's 2018/19 spending with our Budget Challenge

Have you ever wanted to have your say on how the Council spends its Budget? This year, North Ayrshire Council is giving every resident in North Ayrshire the chance to do just that.

As part of preparations for setting the 2018/19 Budget, the Council will be holding extensive budget engagement. This will include the launch of an online ‘Budget Challenge’ which enables residents of North Ayrshire to set their own ‘virtual budget’. By taking the Budget Challenge, residents can decide how they would allocate money to each service. It gives residents the chance to allocate money to each service and see the consequences of this in real time. The tool has launched online this week and will be available to access through the Council website at Council Leader Joe Cullinane said: “The Council has had to cut £73million from its budget over the last six years as a result of austerity and financial projections suggest we face a further funding shortfall of approximately £70m over the next three years. “We are facing an increased demand for our services despite the fact that our funding is expected to reduce significantly. “Unless this situation changes, there is no escaping the fact that the services that Councils across the country deliver are going to change. “The online budget challenge will allow people right across North Ayrshire to have their say by setting out what they believe should be our priorities in their own budget. “Residents can also use the comments section at the end to submit their own ideas, their views on local government funding in general or to simply provide feedback on the budget challenge tool. “We will take the results of the online engagement and use this to inform the budget.” This engagement exercise will be open for four weeks. Members of the public who do not have access to the internet at home can access online facilities at local libraries. Councils are legally required to set a balanced budget meaning that expenditure cannot be more than the Council's income.

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