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Have your say on the future of Ayr town centre

Ayr Renaissance and South Ayrshire Council are staging two public exhibitions to let people have their say on ways to transform Ayr town centre.

The exhibitions running in Ayr Town Hall on Monday 18 June and Wednesday 20 June from 3:30pm – 7:30pm will explore ways to make the most of Ayr's streets, squares and open spaces, transforming them for the benefit of locals and visitors.

Urban design experts, led by Ironside Farrar, will be on hand to discuss ideas and capture feedback particularly in relation to improving Burns Statue Square and finding a use for the empty site called Affleck's Block behind the town hall.

How can Burns Statue Square be turned into an iconic gateway leading to the heart of the town? What can be done to make use of derelict sites such as Affleck's Block?

The exhibitions are a chance for people to comment on possible solutions and introduce their own ideas too. The main themes to be explored during the exhibitions will be accessibility, movement and activity and other ways to make the most of Ayr town centre.

Information gathered during the exhibitions will be used to develop a public realm strategy for Ayr town centre with a view to securing funding for possible projects.

Councillor Brian McGinley, Economic Development, Tourism and Leisure Portfolio Holder for the Council said: "The exhibition in Ayr Town Hall is an opportunity for people to comment on concepts and designs which will transform Ayr's public spaces.

"This is very much a partnership approach, so we want to hear from people interested in putting their mark on the continued regeneration of Ayr town centre."

James Knox Chair of Ayr Renaissance said: "Our role is to develop a vision and a masterplan for these key locations. It's vital that the people of Ayr get involved at this early stage of the process so that their thoughts and ideas can become part of the solution to the regeneration of Ayr town centre. I urge everyone who loves Ayr to make it to the exhibitions."

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