The South Ayrshire Licensing Board is asking communities for their feedback as they look to draw up new rules to shape the future face of alcohol sales.
The draft Licensing Policy is now out to public consultation and focusing on the three main areas of access for young people; overprovision of off-sales, and noise.
Access for young people: For the most part premises which do not offer food of any description are less likely to be a suitable environment for children but for live music events, should under-18s be denied access because there is no food available? If an event is mainly aimed at children is it appropriate for alcohol to be on sale? What about ‘beer tents’ at gala days, is there a better way of managing alcohol at this type of event?
Off-sales: Do you think there are too many off-sales? If you do, the Board could consider an ‘overprovision’ policy. This would not affect any premises currently licensed but it would make it difficult for new premises to get a licence.
Noise: We’re also looking to strengthen procedures to tackle noise from licenced premises. New live entertainment venues would have to get advice from noise consultants to ensure that neighbouring properties are undisturbed. Do you think these measures go far enough?
Councillor Craig Mackay, Chair of South Ayrshire Licensing Board said it’s important that people have their say, “We’ve already held detailed discussions with a range of stakeholders including the licensed trade, community councils and locality planning groups and we’re now broadening out the conversation.
"These views will play a central role in shaping the future face of licencing in South Ayrshire and it’s through hearing first-hand experience of the issues we’re looking at that we’ll be best placed to agree a policy which strikes the right balance for our communities.
“I’d encourage anyone with a view to take the time to let us know what they think and respond to the consultation by the deadline date.”
Comments must be received by Friday 14 September 2018. More information on the draft policy can be found at:
To have your say email:
Or send your comments to:
South Ayrshire Council Licensing
Wellington Square Ayr KA7 1DR