Kind hearted residents from around Kilmarnock have been posting offers on Facebook giving help to anyone who needs a bed or food after flooding left hundreds of homes flooded and without power.

Pic - Craig Kirkland who helped save people’s flooded items from homes
Stephanie Brodie offered her help via an appeal on Facebook:
”If anyone in Kilmarnock is struggling for somewhere to stay after the horrendous floods I can offer everything from food to showers /baths change of clothes somewhere to sleep absolutely dreadful of what’s happened 💔💔“
Other residents have also offered help while some angry residents have taken to Facebook due to the lack of communication from East Ayrshire Council regarding any flooded homes or towns.
Craig Kirkland was one of the angry residents to take to Facebook:
“East Ayrshire Council this started on Caprington Avenue Shortlees at 7.30pm and is still rising, at least 15 houses flooded more now flooding.”

“I've helped 7 houses along with other people to move as much of their belongings upstairs as possible, our 94 year old grandfather is sitting half way up his staircase watching his house flood, who's been here to help? A domestic plumber asking if there was a blocked pipe, 22.55pm and still no help”