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Madison's Nightclub to Host Fundraising Event for Local Girl Kirsty Robertson's Funeral

Ayr's Madison's Nightclub is set to host a 'wear your jammies' club night for local girl Kirsty Robertson, who was found dead at her home in Ayr.

Credit: Ayrshire Daily News: Outside the Ayr Nightclub

Mariea Mohan, Manager & Director of Madison's Nightclub in Ayr said: "Over the last few months, I have been going to great lengths to put the life and soul back into our home town.

"I've held disability nights for seen and unseen disabilities. We just held an over 55's day time rave alongside Vassa and South Ayrshire Life. All events have been a huge and great success and have been voluntary from myself and the team to cover the costs for the nights to be held.

"However, tonight we hold a special event for a local girl called Kirsty Robertson. She was a regular with us at Madison's and also a friend. Kirsty's life was very sadly taken two weeks ago. She has no mum or dad and also lost her only brother. She has two babies left behind. "Tonight I have planned a 'Wear your Comfy's Night' where myself, my full team and customers will be showing up for the regular Saturday night out in the town, but in PJ's."

The nightclub will be taking donations and staff are giving up wages and tips to help fund towards the cost to lay Kirsty to rest. Support has been given from local businesses to help give away vouchers in a raffle, plus they have also donated to the fundraising night.

Mariea - (widely known as Madison's Mo) continued:

"My heart breaks for her children at the ages of 7 and 2 years old. Santa is coming soon and we must all come together as a community to help them."

The fundraising event will take place tonight at Madison's Nightclub in Ayr - doors open 10:30 PM til 2:30 AM.

There will be a balloon release at midnight for immediate family and friends.

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