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Met Office issue Yellow warning of snow and ice across Ayrshire

Showers on Monday evening, overnight and into Tuesday morning will fall increasingly as snow and hail, with accumulations mainly on hills but locally to lower levels too. Ice is also likely to form on untreated surfaces, whilst lightning may be an additional hazard.

This may lead to some transport disruption and difficult driving conditions.

Air of Arctic origin will bring frequent wintry showers across the area. 1 to 3 cm snowfall is likely across many areas above 100-200 m away from west-facing coasts whilst 5 cm or more is likely to settle above around 300 m.

Showers will continue through Tuesday, though lying snow is expected to melt below 300 m or so.

Issued at: 09:58 on Mon 20 Mar 2017

Valid from: 20:00 on Mon 20 Mar 2017

Valid to: 10:00 on Tue 21 Mar 2017

Local Authorities affected and associated warning levelsArgyll and Bute, East Ayrshire, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow, Inverclyde, North Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, South Ayrshire, South Lanarkshire, West Dunbartonshire

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