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New Cumnock Young Farmers excel in raising funds for the Ayrshire Hospice

The New Cumnock Young Farmers Club have recently completed outstanding fundraising in aid of the Ayrshire Hospice.  

Earlier this year the group held a 24 hourtriathlon, charity dance and auction and raised an excellent £19,155.02 for the local charity.

Robyn Watt, the current Club Secretary has a personal connection with Ayrshire Hospice as her grandfather received hospice care. Robyn says:

“We are extremely proud of each and every member who took part in raising this amazing amount of money for a great local charity.  Some of our members know first-hand the amazing care that patients receive at the hospice. 

“This is an amazing achievement for such a small club and an experience that we will remember for the rest of our lives.”

Ron Swanson, Assistant Fundraising Manager at the Ayrshire Hospice said, “We have been truly touched at the Ayrshire Hospice by the phenomenal fundraising of the New Cumnock Young Farmers.  

“This is an incredible amount raised in a short space of time and testament to the group’s amazing fundraising and dedication.  Our charity relies on the kindness and goodwill of the Ayrshire community and the fantastic support of Robyn and the group is truly valued.”

To find out more about fundraising in aid of Ayrshire Hospice please contact the community fundraising team on 01292 288488 or email

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