All Acute and Community Hospitals visiting suspended from Midnight on Tuesday 24th March.

A statement issued by the NHS Ayrshire & Arran states the following:
Dr Crawford McGuffie, Medical Director, explains: “To limit the spread of COVID-19 and to protect our most vulnerable patients and ensure the safety of our staff, we are suspending visiting indefinitely from midnight on Tuesday 24 of March.
“We know this will be difficult for our patients and their families. However, we need to keep our patients and staff safe.”
Suspended visiting will be applied to all hospitals across NHS Ayrshire & Arran with the exception of the neonatal unit, maternity services and children’s ward, which will be restricted to the following:
Maternity inpatient ward, labour ward and maternity theatres – One visitor/ birthing partner is permitted and must remain within the maternity area at all times. No overnight stay permitted.
Maternity outpatient services, including scans: no visitors permitted. Women to attend alone and may take a short video of their scan at the end of their appointment.
Neonatal/Special Care Baby Unit: Only parents are permitted to visit and should remain with the child at all times.
Children’s Ward: Only one carer permitted to visit and should remain with the child at all times.
The best way to protect yourself and others against coronavirus (COVID-19) is to wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel, regularly throughout the day.
For the latest health and travel advice, visit
A free helpline has been set up for those who do not have symptoms but are looking for general health advice: 0800 028 2816.
If you have concerns about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and are worried about symptoms, you should call your GP or NHS 24 (111).
* This relates to all hospitals in NHS Ayrshire & Arran:
University Hospital Ayr
University Hospital Crosshouse
Ailsa Hospital
Arran War Memorial Hospital
Ayrshire Central Hospital
Ayrshire Maternity Unit
Biggart Hospital
East Ayrshire Community Hospital
Girvan Community Hospital
Kirklandside Hospital
Lady Margaret Hospital
Woodland View