In order to protect our most vulnerable patients, NHS Ayrshire & Arran has taken the decision to restrict visiting times in all of our hospitals* during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
Dr Crawford McGuffie, Medical Director, explains: “Patient care is our top priority, and so we are asking friends and relatives to only visit patients at our hospitals if absolutely essential.
“Visiting times in general wards will now be restricted to 3pm to 4pm and 7pm to 8pm. Visiting will be a maximum of one person per patient, and children under the age of 12 years should remain at home.
“For our most vulnerable or acutely unwell patients - including those in Intensive Care Units, High Dependency Units, Emergency Departments, Acute Receiving Units, Combined Assessment Units, Midwifery Care Areas, Neonatal Units, Oncology Units, Renal Units, and Mental Health wards - visitors are restricted to those who are essential only, such as parents of paediatric patients or the patient’s partner/main carer.
“Children should be restricted from visiting unless otherwise arranged with the nurse in charge. Visitors may be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) based on local risk assessment.
“We do ask that you contact the ward before you plan to visit, so that the ward staff can let you know whether it is appropriate to visit.”
"To keep our patients safe, all visitors should remember:
"Do not visit anyone in hospital if you have a high temperature, cough or other respiratory symptoms.All visitors must use hand sanitiser when entering and leaving clinical areas.If patients have questions regarding visiting they should phone the ward for clarification.
"The best way to protect yourself and others against coronavirus (COVID-19) is to wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel, regularly throughout the day.
"For the latest health and travel advice, visit
"A free helpline has been set up for those who do not have symptoms but are looking for general health advice: 0800 028 2816.
"If you have concerns about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and are worried about symptoms, you should call your GP or NHS 24 (111)."
This relates to all hospitals in NHS Ayrshire & Arran:
University Hospital Ayr
University Hospital Crosshouse
Ailsa Hospital
Arran War Memorial Hospital
Ayrshire Central Hospital
Ayrshire Maternity Unit
Biggart Hospital
East Ayrshire Community Hospital
Girvan Community Hospital
Kirklandside Hospital
Lady Margaret Hospital
Woodland View