People from across Ayrshire and Arran are being asked to share positive experiences of their local NHS by nominating staff and volunteers for an Ayrshire Achieves Award.

Ayrshire Achieves 2019, funded by NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s Charity Fund, gives local people – and staff – the chance to recognise the positive contribution of health workers and volunteers to the NHS and health and social care partnerships.
The awards aim to celebrate success, applaud excellence and innovation, and demonstrate continuous improvement in the quality of care.
Stewart Donnelly, Employee Director – Ayrshire and Arran NHS Board, explains: “We know our staff often go the extra mile for the people they care for. This is your chance to nominate your NHS or partnership star and give them the recognition they deserve. So if you know of someone who deserves to be recognised, we would be delighted to hear from you.”
Any member of the public, employee of NHS Ayrshire & Arran and partner organisations can nominate an individual or team employed by NHS Ayrshire & Arran for an award. You can also nominate a volunteer, voluntary group or charity for the volunteer’s award.

There are nine award categories this year:
• Building relationships• Caring for people - incorporating the Isabella Kimmett Compassionate Care Award• Caring for our staff• Light bulb moments - creativity and innovation• Behind the scenes• Leading by example• Young employee of the year• Volunteer of the year• Team of the year• The closing date for nominations is Friday 3 May 2019.
For a nomination form:
• Telephone free to 0800 169 1441• Write free to Ayrshire Achieves, Communications Department, NHS Ayrshire & Arran, FREEPOST RRZ-TYRA-LGCT, Eglinton House, Ailsa Hospital,Dalmellington Road, Ayr KA6 6AB• Email• Visit our website and click on the Ayrshire Achieves button on the home page.
Ayrshire Achieves is supported by NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s Area Partnership Forum.

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