As part of Transport Scotland’s strategic trunk road management programme, Scotland TranServ will shortly carry out the resurfacing of 1.2km of the A737 between Roadhead Roundabout and Clerksbridge Toll Roundabout, north of Beith.

In order to complete this programme of work as quickly and safely as possible, it will be necessary to implement a full weekend closure of the carriageway between 8pm on Friday the 26th until 6am on Monday the 29th of July.
Jonathan Dyer, Scotland TranServ’s Assistant Engineer said:
“We’re working alongside the local authority, emergency services and key local stakeholders to carefully schedule these works reducing the impact on the local community. This £260k project is part of a programme of resurfacing works planned for the A737 this year. To reduce the disruption to the local community and businesses we will carry out these works across the weekend.”

Additional clearing works will take place prior to the start of resurfacing. In order to complete the necessary removal of this vegetation we require to close the carriageway from 8pm on Thursday 25th to 6am on Friday 26th of July.
Local diversions will be in place throughout this short programme of works. We would advise motorists to check, or to follow @trafficscotland on Twitter for live updates.