Like each of the other 31 council areas in Scotland, North Ayrshire has its own unique history, characteristics and challenges.
Each year we must make new policies and plans to overcome emerging issues and challenges specific to the local area. Through successful execution of these plans, we aim to improve our performance and achieve our vision: ‘A North Ayrshire that is Fair for All’.
The next 5 years
Our Council Plan 2019-2024 (PDF, 5.2mb) titled ‘North Ayrshire: A Council that is Fair for All’ describes our vision, mission and priorities for the years ahead. It sets out our new strategic approach which is focused on making North Ayrshire a farer and more equal society.
It aims to tell you – our residents, employees, community planning partners, communities and other interested stakeholders – about the kind of Council we are and what we stand for what we value and what makes us tick.
We want to you know what drives us to deliver the best possible services we can for you.
The plan was approved at a meeting of North Ayrshire Council on 26 June 2019.
Sitting alongside the plan is the:
Performance Management Framework (PDF, 310kb) - which will let us know if we are successfully implementing the planTransformation Plan (PDF, 1.6mb) - which will guide us as we reshape and improve our services for the futurePlan on a Page (PDF, 1.4mb) – a one page summary of our new vision, mission and priorities, also available in Gaelic (PDF, 1.1mb)
You can also join in conversations around our new priorities on Consul and share your ideas and views on how we can work together to make North Ayrshire fair for all.