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Work set to begin on Bank Street – as town centre makeover reaches final stages

THE final leg of the works that will transform Irvine’s town centre will begin on Monday, 29 July.

Contractors MacLay Civil Engineering have completed High Street North and have almost finished High Street South with minor works to be taken care off shortly. Now they will turn their attentions to Bank Street at the end of this month as they move closer to completing the work. New modern paving – in keeping with the Bridgegate and works most recently carried out in High Street North and High Street South - will be put in place and widened footpaths will provide more room for pedestrians and shoppers.

During the works, Bank Street will be open to one-way traffic going from High Street to East Road. Towards the end of this four-month period the road will be closed in order to complete the works to the carriageway. Access to properties will be available at all times. Over the coming weeks and months the Council will also be introducing trees to the southern end of the High Street and adding new street furniture across the town centre. They are also in the process of finalising new signage which will include historic photographs and information to celebrate Irvine’s history and strengthen its identity.

Councillor Alex Gallagher, Cabinet Member for Economy, said:

“It is very exciting to have reached this stage and to be now nearing completion. “This has been a long process and we really appreciate the patience of local residents, visitors and shopkeepers over the last 12 months. “While we recognise there has been some disruption we are sure it will be worth it in the long run. We want to make Irvine town centre vibrant and attractive. The process started with the transformation of the Bridgegate and the fantastic refurbishment of the Townhouse. The opening of the Portal has also increased footfall and added a whole new dimension to the town centre.

“The latest public realm works complement all of that and we hope will make the town centre even better and attractive to businesses, residents and visitors alike.”

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