PLANS for a £450 million development of Loudoun Castle, an abandoned theme park near Galston, Ayrshire have been rejected by East Ayrshire Councillors.

The abandoned theme park closed in 2010 after it became to expensive to run.
Now councillors have rejected plans to re-open the theme park as the Loudoun Castle Project unveiled plans in 2014 to re-develop the park and give it a £450m makeover.
Amongst the reasons for rejecting the plans, SEPA said they were worried about the flood risks and NHS Ayrshire & Arran said they were concerned the extra people could strain it's resources.
There was also concerns for local wildlife.
At a meeting yesterday, East Ayrshire Council binned the plans due to these reasons. However, if the plans were fixed they would re-consider the plans.
This crucial decision means development plans have been pushed back to at-least 2018.