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Ayr business goes from strength-to-strength after contract win

An independent retailer from Ayr has been appointed to supply all three Ayrshire Councils with specialist goods.

A1 Ironmongery sought out advice and training to help them to deliver on their initial ambition to become a supplier to South Ayrshire Council, with the end result representing a significant opportunity to grow their business.

South Ayrshire Council with A1

Ayr-based, A1 Ironmongery, has been appointed a place on a National Framework to deliver general ironmongery, ground care tools, fixings, adhesives, sealants and silicon's to local Councils. Scotland Excel, the Centre of Procurement Expertise for Scotland's local government sector tendered The Trade Materials Framework, which was open for applications. A1 Ironmongery has now been appointed onto the Framework for two years, with an option to extend for a further two years. The news comes at a time when a concerted effort is being made to make it easier for smaller companies to secure public sector contracts. As part of South Ayrshire Council's commitment to growing the local economy and working with businesses, staff outlined the process to A1 and highlighted additional help available from the independent Supplier Development Programme (SDP), which provides training and support to SMEs to compete for Scottish public sector contracts. Councillor Peter Henderson, Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance said, "We're committed to supporting local businesses, and helping people understand that there are opportunities for smaller companies to secure public sector contracts is an important part of our work. "Too often in the past we've heard from owners who felt they couldn't compete with big business, but by taking a strategic approach and identifying realistic ways of working with the public sector, there's no reason why the process shouldn't be open to all. "I'm pleased to see that A1 Ironmongery will have opportunities to work with us in the coming years, primarily with our housing and property teams, and I look forward to seeing the relationship develop in the months ahead." Director of A1 Ironmongery, Ivie Kerr said, "Securing a place on the framework represents us with a significant opportunity to extend what we do and realise fresh growth from our base in Ayr. "We're proud to have been given the opportunity to work with our own local authority, South Ayrshire Council, as well as with neighbouring East and North Ayrshire, and we're hoping the new contract will help our business go from strength-to-strength. "Competing for an appointment like this is a daunting task but there is help available from organisations that can guide you through the process. I'd like to thank everyone, especially our own staff, that have helped us secure our first public sector contract." For more information on South Ayrshire Council's contract opportunities contact: link

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