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Ayrshire man raised £1361 for Movember

Alan Gray from Troon in Ayrshire raised £1.361 for Movember!

He told ADN - "After being talked into doing Movember by colleagues for the first time this year I didn't really know what to expect.

"I normally had a bit of stubble, but had never taken the next step to actually "growing" something on my face...I set myself a fairly achievable target of £250 and achieved this within about a week. Was it cheeky to set a new one for £500? It was for charity so why not!

"After another 10 days or so I reached my £500 target, and for the next couple of days the sponsorship died off. I spoke to my mate Allan Cooper and he suggested I do something a little bit crazy to generate some interest. After a bit of discussion and a vote between my work colleagues it was decided that if I hit £750 I would shave half of my moustache off and have to walk around for the rest of the month looking like my tashe had slipped. Easy I thought, I'll never hit that.

"Many donations and a cheeky wee whip round from the team at work and I was presented with an electric razor from a hunting pack shouting "off, off, off" like a hen party to a stripper. After this monstrosity was created I had to think of one final crazy stunt that would generate a bit of interest and get me to the £1000 milestone. Anyone that knows me will know that I am a die hard Ayr United fan.

"Therefore wearing the strip of our local rivals for a day is the most humiliating thing I am likely to go through in my life. Yep, I agreed to it!

"This created a bit of a stir with all those Kilmarnock fans that know me. All those years of banter about THAT Andy Walker penalty were finally coming back to haunt me!It didn't take long before this was achieved and during this time I was thrown one final challenge. If I dyed my halfatashe pink an anonymous donator would pledge £100. Let's face it is couldn't look much more daft than I was going to anyway so I accepted that challenge too!

He also commented: "Thanks to everyone that supported me and if anyone else would like to donate they can do at"

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