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  • Writer's pictureAyrshire Daily News

Can you help fund the Scottish Airshow 2016!

The Scottish Airshow have 30 days to raise as much as possible using JustGiving online. As soon as they reach the magic £120,000 they will then say yes to the Scottish Airshow 2016!

Ayrshire Daily News had fun interviewing the Scottish Airshow bosses at the Airshow offices at Prestwick Airport - 1 week after the massive event that attracted over 120,000 people - bosses are appealing for public support to help fund the airshow by setting a target of £120,000 to say YES to the Scottish Airshow 2016 and THANKS to the Scottish Airshow 2015 - All they ask is that for everyone who attended the Airshow to donate £1 or more to help fund next years show and bring more to the massive 2 day event.

We were speaking to Doug Maclean in the video below about the popularity of the Scottish Airshow, he shows and tells us about the demographic's of ticket purchasing and where people are coming from to watch the Scottish Airshow and it proves as far as australia

For 2016 he said "We are looking for a more international reach and to be making it the Scottish International Airshow."

Speaking to Danny Anderson also in the video he tells the Ayrshire Daily News that they are aiming to bring more aircraft, including transport passenger planes on show too.


Speaking to even bosses they said:

"How much did you enjoy the 2015 Scottish Airshow ? Was it worth £1 or more ? 120,000 people watched the Scottish airshow. It is a very complex and expensive event to bring to life. The company running the airshow is a not for profit company. The sponsors were very generous this year but your donations can make a huge difference to making the 2016 Scottish Airshow even better. Say thanks for the 2015 airshow and YES PLEASE to another one in 2016."

How will the money be spent?:

"£1 from everyone who watched the 2015 Scottish Airshow would raise £120,000. That would allow us to be confident we could go ahead and start on the 2016 Scottish Airshow. If we were to beat our target it would be awesome and every £ donated would go straight to bringing you the best airshow we can design."

When will supporters of the Airshow see the differences and more information being given towards the Airshow 2016?:

*We have 30 days to raise as much as possible. As soon as we reach the magic £120,000 we will say yes to Scottish Airshow 2016. If you are an individual or a family or a business who liked what we did then please donate today to help fund the 2016 Scottish Airshow. The more you give the better the airshow we can deliver. Your donation says thanks to Scottish Airshow 2015 and YES to Scottish Airshow 2016. Say yes and donate now.*

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