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Community groups in Monkton, Prestwick and Symington secure new funding

16 community groups in Monkton, Prestwick and Symington are celebrating after landing fresh funding to help support their work. Almost 260 people turned out to take part in the latest decision day on Sat 17 June. 

The event is part of a new way to encourage people to get actively involved in local decision making known as 'Participatory Budgeting'. Building on the success of recent community funding decision days, the latest ‘marketplace event’ saw 17 ideas from 16 groups displayed to local people, who then voted to award funding. Up to £20,000 was available at the event, with groups funded up to £1,000 for local projects and up to £3,000 for projects that benefit the wider community. Voting was open to anyone living, working, volunteering or studying in Monkton, Prestwick and Symington, aged 10+. Among the successful projects: Improvements to Shaw Park to improve the quality of the pitch for Symington Caledonian; an exercise programme for Monkton Senior Citizens; new equipment for the Symington Gala Committee; training to help ease social isolation for the New Life Trust’s Diamonds Befriending project; and helping bring puppet events to life through the 1st Monkton and Prestwick Girls Brigade. Leader of South Ayrshire Council, Douglas Campbell, said the money would make a real difference, “We’re committed to working with our communities to deliver investment and services that help people to realise their full potential. “Our series of decision days, which allow people to vote on funding for local projects, have been embraced by communities, with hundreds of people having taken part in more than a dozen events across South Ayrshire in the last year. “After the latest event, successful groups can now take forward ideas that will benefit communities in Monkton, Prestwick and Symington, and I wish everyone the best of luck as the projects get underway.” Key themes for the funding included: reducing social isolation and loneliness, addressing transport issues, access to services, and keeping local people independent and well. The money is being made available from South Ayrshire Council and the Scottish Government. The 'Decision Day' event took place at Monkton Primary School on Saturday 17 June between 10am and 12noon.  

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