A further seven Jobcentres in Scotland as well as eight Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) administration sites are to close, the UK Government has announced.

The UK Government say the closures across the UK will save taxpayers £180m each year over the next decade.
Planned closures
Inverness - DWP assessment centre
Aberdeen, Greyfriars House - DWP administration centre
Alexandria - Jobcentre
Broxburn - Jobcentre
Coatbridge - DWP administration centre
Edinburgh, St Andrew Street - Jobcentre
Glasgow Portcullis House - DWP administration centre
Inverness, Church Street - Jobcentre and DWP administration centre
Larkhall - Jobcentre
Paisley, Lonend - DWP administration centre.
Port Glasgow - Jobcentre
Benbecula, Jobcentre
Cumnock - DWP administration centre
Glasgow, Corunna House - DWP administration centre
Wick, Girnigoe - Jobcentre to move to Caithness House.
Lanark - Jobcentre to move to South Lanarkshire Council office, South Vennel
Damian Hinds, UK employment minister, said:
"We will always make sure that people have the support they need to get into and progress within work, that's why we are recruiting 2500 more work coaches to help those who need it most.
"The way the world works has changed rapidly in the last 20 years and the welfare state needs to keep pace.
"As more people access their benefits through the internet many of our buildings are under-used. We are concentrating our resources on what we know best helps people into work.
"The changes we've announced today will help ensure that the way we deliver our services reflect the reality of today's welfare system."