The Maybole Regeneration Project (MRP) is hosting a series of online evening talks to highlight the history and heritage of North Carrick.
The first of these will be held Thursday 8 April at 7:00 pm, where Peter Drummond will discuss the highs and the lows of restoring historic buildings. Peter has a wealth of experience in this area and is the Project Architect responsible for Maybole Town Hall, as well as the small grants projects. Maybole has numerous historic buildings, so as part of his talk, Peter will hold a Q&A session with property owners.
On Thursday 22 April at 7:00 pm, local tour guide Noreen Lyon from Lyon Tours Scotland will give a virtual tour of the North Carrick coastline highlighting an array of hidden tourist attractions.
It’s hoped these upcoming talks will be as successful as recent discussions led by historian Fergus Sutherland and genealogist Michelle Leonard.
In early March, Fergus gave a talk entitled ‘abune a mire’ which attracted over 40 members of the local community, eager to hear how Maybole sprung up due to its natural water wells.
People from as far away as Australia and Honduras joined Michelle Leonard for a talk entitled ‘Exploring your Scottish Family History. Michelle passed on her in-depth knowledge on genealogy to nearly 60 participants who are now well on their way to unlocking their own family history.
If you missed Michelle’s talk you’ll find an article on the website about how to start your family tree. MRP has already discovered some fascinating stories from Maybole’s past, such as the extensive migration to Canada which led to an area of the country being called ‘Little Maybole’. If you have any interesting family history stories please get in touch with the team. MRP is creating a Book of Memories for Maybole so that future generations can access Maybole’s past.
If you missed out on any of these talks you can find these, plus upcoming talk information on the website