Over the weekend, police in North Ayrshire arrested 3 people for allegedly driving whilst over the legaldrink drive limit.
The drivers aged 18, 20 and 27 were arrested across North Ayrshire on Saturday 16th March and Sunday 17th March, with one driver being detected at nearly 5 times the legal limit on the A78.
PC Johnson, Preventions and Interventions Officer for North Ayrshire commented: “It is disappointing that a number of motorists have chosen to drive a vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol. The only safe amount of alcohol to drink before driving is none.”
“These motorists placed themselves and other road users at risk through their actions and I would urge anyone who has information on those who drive under the influence of drink or drugs to contact our non-emergency number on 101 (Always dial 999 in an emergency) or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where anonymity can be maintained.”