An East Ayrshire man has been handed six months’ imprisonment and banned from owning animals for ten years following a Scottish SPCA investigation.

34-year-old Daryl Torrance of Sorn Street, Mauchline was sentenced at Ayr Sheriff Court on 16 April 2024 for animal neglect and unnecessary suffering to his dog.
Torrance also failed to provide suitable living conditions to two other dogs and a cat.
Scottish SPCA inspector Caitin Rea said:
“On 24 October 2022 we received a call via our animal helpline. The complaint was anonymous and raised concerns for a dog at Sorn Street. The caller was concerned that the dog was being left alone by the owner for long periods of time and was believed to be locked in the back room of the flat.
“We attended the property and we started abandonment procedures by putting tapes on the door and left a card through the letterbox asking the occupier to contact us as soon as possible.
“We also made contact with the local housing officer from East Ayrshire Council to gain access to the property to secure the welfare of any animals within.
“On Wednesday 26 October 2022 there had been no contact from the owner so entry was forced by Council joiners. As soon as we entered we were faced with an overpowering stench of ammonia in the stairwell. In the back bedroom of the property the smell of both ammonia and faeces was very prominent and there were several piles of faeces lying on the carpet in the bedroom.
“At the back of the bedroom was a medium sized dog crate with a cover over the top. We removed the cover and was shocked to discover a medium sized, male, brindle and white crossbreed type dog lying curled up in the corner of the crate. The dog was emaciated and in a collapsed state. He was so weak he couldn’t even lift his head. There was a bowl of untouched dog food at the other corner of the crate that he would have been unable to reach, and there was no water. He was lying on top of a blanket which was covered in urine and faeces.
“We removed the dog from the crate and wrapped him in a fresh blanket. The dog managed to find the energy to wag his tail, which was very distressing. It was clear to that this dog needed urgent veterinary attention.
“The vet recommended euthanasia based on welfare grounds due to the severity of the dog’s condition.
“We are pleased that Torrance received imprisonment and a ban on owning animals for ten years. His dog clearly endured suffering leading up to his death. The other two dogs were able to be rehabilitated and have since found new homes.
“If anyone is concerned about an animal, they can contact our confidential animal helpline on 03000 999 999.”