Follow this LIVE Feed for all the Ayrshire results live as they happen plus plenty of Analysis from around the internet.
LIVE 18:00 - Verification now underway across the country.
Verification process well underway in #EuroElections2019, Count will begin after this stage is completed!
LIVE 18:10 - South Ayrshire count is underway at Ayr Citadel.
SAC posted the following picture showing the SAC count well and truly underway.
LIVE 19:10 - Final results at 10pm
In case you were wondering, the reason we can't declare our local totals for #EUelections2019 #SAcount before 10pm is because that is when polling closes across the whole of the EU.

LIVE 19:40 - North Ayrshire announces turn out
Local Returing Officer Craig Hatton announces a 35.6% voter turn out across North Ayrshire. We now move to the count.

LIVE 19:52 - South Ayrshire announces turn out
The turnout in South Ayrshire for #EUelections2019 40.8%. This is based on electorate figure of 88,148 with 35,973 votes cast in total.
LIVE 20:13 - South Ayrshire Council update...
"We're taking a two-stage approach to the count, with votes cast for Conservative, Labour, Lib Dems & SNP counted in 1st stage. All remaining parties & candidates will be counted in stage 2."
LIVE 20:15 - Adjudication of doubtful ballot papers underway
South Ayrshire Council posted this photo from the Citadel with the caption "Adjudication of doubtful ballot papers underway" on Twitter.

LIVE 21:45 - ADN will be bringing you all the LIVE results right here in around 15 minutes.
LIVE 21:55 - Full Scottish results won't be known until early Monday morning!
SAC TWEETED - While we hope to declare our totals from #EUelections2019 #SAcount as close to 10pm as poss, the result for Scotland as a whole won't be declared until Monday - after all 32 Councils have counted their votes.