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Girvan prepares to welcome more than 100 golfers for its showcase tournament

Preparations are now well underway ahead of the Girvan Golf Classic 2018, with more than 100 people expected to take part.

The Golf South Ayrshire tournament provides a serious challenge for amateur golfers, with the champion to be crowned later this month.

The Girvan Golf Classic involves three days of competition, with one round per day.

The tournament takes place at Girvan Golf Course between Friday 28 and Sunday 30, September, with players battling it out for the Carrick Herald Quaich, the Ailsa Trophy and £1,000 prize money.

The competition is open to amateur male golfers who are members of a recognised golf club and holders of a senior handicap.

Prizes will be awarded on Sunday 30 by South Ayrshire Provost, Helen Moonie.

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