Girvan Christmas lights were switched on tonight due to no event being able to take place.
Cllr Alec Clark and Community Cllr David Girvan have been working this year to secure new lights in addition to the lights that were secured last year. Thanks to funding from South Ayrshire Council Christmas Lights fund over these last two year they have secured £15,000 worth of new lights for Girvan.
As well as enhancing Stumpy Corner and The McKechnie Institute this year they also focused on Hamilton Street which now has ten new features. Hamilton Street was picked due it being under the control of Ayrshire Road Alliance whereas Bridge Street and Knockcushan Street are under the control of Amey Highways. As Amey have just taken over responsibility of the roads from Transerv it wasn’t feasible to develop the other streets.
Hamilton Street has also benefited from South Ayrshire Council events teams winter wonderland theme which has a snowman feature which was sculptured by local artist David Powell. There is also Winter Wonderland craft packs being issued via libraries when they re-open, in the meantime they are available in Girvan Asda at the moment.
Dalrymple Street still remains a key priority for additional lights but unlike other town centers who have the benefit of streetlights for attaching Christmas lights Girvan doesn’t. Also taking into consideration the high restrictions due to HGV this would mean that any lights attached to any private properties would need authorisation from the owner and Amey highways.