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Historic Ayrshire town receives £2m lottery grant for revamp

A deteriorating town on the doorstep of Trump Turnberry is to receive a near-£2 million grant to preserve its historic roots.

Maybole, which sits just a few miles from the Trump Turnberry resort in Ayrshire, will be given the cash injection to reverse years of decline within its conservation area.

The town is one of the10 chosen areas of the UK in “vital need” of repairs, and lies on the main A77, providing a passing-through point for the visitors to Turnberry.

However, investment of just under £2m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) will be used to repair important historic buildings located within the town’s conservation area. The grant will improve up to 75 properties, shopfronts and public spaces, making the town attractive for people and investment.

Ros Kerslake, chief executive of the HLF, said: “We have been investing in the UK’s conservation areas for more than 20 years and have seen first-hand the incredible difference it has made to local communities.

“Our work with the RSA on the Heritage Index has shown that where communities build local plans around heritage, it can have a powerful effect not only on local pride but also on local economic prosperity.”

Mr Trump bought the Turnberry resort in April 2014 and pledged to transform it into one of the most luxurious hotels in Europe.

Just hours before being sworn in as President of the United States,he handed over all his business interests to his sons Eric and Donald.

The only other Scottish town to receive money from the HLF is Penicuik, Midlothian, which is to receive a little more than £1.8m.

Meanwhile, plans have been put forward to make nearby Cumnock the first fully “green town” by making the entire town carbon- neutral. Proposals could see the community run its own high-tech renewable energy system.

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