Every 3-5 Year’s the people of Scotland and the UK are reminded about just how powerful nature can be but Hirricane Irma is one of the 5-10 year events that reminds the world just how powerful nature can be and how global-warming is affecting the way we all live.
Hurricane Irma is the strongest Atlantic hurricane in 5 years with peak wind speeds between 140 and 200MPh
Although America is no stranger to hurricanes Irma is one of only a few to cause widespread evacuation and even loss of life in extreme cases.
However over the past 50 Year’s as hurricanes get stronger death tolls have decreased simply due to better forecasting facilities and warnings via the lies of Facebook and weather Apps.
Global-warming is also affecting the UK especially since we just finished the wettest summer in 7 years and even for us Deep low pressure systems will become more common and disruptive than 10 years ago.
On average the UK gets a major powerful storm once every 15 Year’s however this has now been reduced to once every 5-7 Year’s and the last major storm was 3 Year’s ago.
As we finish this article over 1 million people in Florida have lost power and the strongest Atlantic storm now has Florida firmly in its grasp!
What is for sure if you believe in global warming or not there is no denying that our weather is changing and it’s not for the better...