The headteacher of an island primary school and her team have received a
top-class report from inspectors.

Education Scotland inspectors visited Cumbrae Primary School and Nursery,
in Millport, on the Isle of Cumbrae, in January.
The glowing report’s findings include:
• There are positive nurturing relationships between all staff and children
in the school and nursery. Children are confident, secure and engage very
well in learning and
• The quality of experiences including outdoor learning, community
projects and learning through play is high and learning is well planned and
effectively supported by a range of partners.
The report describes Headteacher Julie McAleese as “highly respected and
aspirational”, stressing that she is “supported very well by an effective and
resilient staff team” which is improving children’s attainment, experiences and
Ms McAleese said:
“I am privileged to work with such a fantastic team, who
are devoted to giving our pupils the best start possible in life.
“We work very closely with parents, families and – of course – the children
themselves to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to reach their full
“This positive inspection report is a testament to the hard work that is done all
year-round by the teaching staff, support staff and pupils.”
The report also states that Ms McAleese has worked hard to ensure the
school, which has 51 pupils, is “very much at the heart of the rural island
community” and one example of this is pupils meeting older people through an intergenerational group called Warm Wednesday to play games together.
It praises the fact that children take part in various committees, including
digital technology sustainability and health. There is also a committee that
focuses on The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
The UNCRC ensures that all children’s rights are respected and that they are
free to learn, play and develop. Awareness is currently being raised
among North Ayrshire Council staff to ensure that everyone knows about their
ongoing responsibility to protect the rights of our children.
In the school, all four quality indicators - leadership of change; learning,
teaching and assessment; Ensuring well-being, equality and inclusion and
raising attainment and achievement – were gauged as “very good”.
The same four indicators in the nursery class were described as “good” and
inspectors found that Ms McAleese’s leadership supports the nursery well in
integrating with the school.
Andrew McClelland, the Council’s Head of Service for Education, added:
“I was delighted to read this inspection report. This is a clear reflection of the
fantastic work being done by the whole school community.
“The staff, pupils and their families should be rightly proud of the outcome of
this very strong inspection.
“I would like to thank our staff teams, under the leadership of Ms McAleese,
for their hard work and commitment to improving outcomes for our learners.”
In line with all inspections, specific areas are identified that would lead to
further improvements. Examples of potential improvements for Cumbrae
Primary include: children being provided with further opportunities to lead their
learning; development of the nursery environment – indoors and outdoors –
continuing play and development of learning experiences in the nursery
continuing to ensure pupils are engaged and challenged in their learning.