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Kilmarnock Pram & Nursery Centre to Close After 45 Years

Kilmarnock Pram Centre has announced that the business will close after 45 years & will move to new premises selling only Knitting wool. The move comes due to Mr Fleming's semi-retirement after 45 years.

Kilmarnock Pram Centre posted the following:

Important Customer Announcement

Due to Mr Fleming’s semi-retirement after 45 years in business, we’re sad to announce that as of 30th of May we will be moving to new premises and no longer selling prams and nursery goods, only knitting wool. This premises will be at 9 High Glencairn Street, Kilmarnock ( between the Forum cafe and Aldi). We also still have the Wool Sak shops in Ayr and Saltcoats.

Any customers who still have orders with us have been contacted by email already and will continue to be able to collect their order at their due date or before from this new shop and make payments in person or by phone as usual. We will also still be able to deliver free of charge at a date to suit you.

We will also continue ours after service upholding any warranties and able to carry out repairs.

We will continue to take any orders during this period until the end of May for any customers who wish to do so and we are also running a huge clearance sale of all stock starting from Monday 5 th of April which is when we are allowed to reopen to the public. No appointments will be needed but we will be monitoring the number of people in the shop and all COVID measures will be in place.

We would like to thank you for your custom over the years it has been an amazing journey and we have loved meeting you all and getting to see your new arrivals.

We’d especially like to thank our amazing staff for their hard work, support and laughs over the years. We couldn’t have done it without them.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend and we look forward to seeing you soon for some bargains and in a couple of months in our new shop.

Take Care

Ron, Babs and Julie

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