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Kilwinning campus renovated to enhance  student experience

Ayrshire College has officially opened new learning spaces at its Kilwinning Campus for students and partners in the community. 

Major renovations have been made to the Learning Resource Centre (LRC), and a new Partnership Centre and Student Association office have been created. Improved breakout areas on the first and second floors of the campus provide students with social spaces for learning. These major improvements were possible as a result of funding provided by the Ayrshire College Foundation, a trust that exists to support Ayrshire-based projects that provide educational opportunities. The LRC now is a more welcoming space and has been expanded to provide greater resources for the students. The College’s partners can use the new Partnership Centre for meetings and events when they are engaging with the College or for their own purposes. A larger, more prominent Student Association office, visible from the moment students enter the campus allows easy access to the Student Association team. Val Russell, Trustee of the Ayrshire College Foundation and Chief Executive of the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce, performed the opening ceremony in front of students and invited guests including local politicians. Val said “On behalf of all the trustees, I would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard to make this happen. I know these new spaces will make a difference to the students, and I would like to congratulate you all on achieving such an amazing transformation. “Today I have been inspired by these new facilities and, from speaking to students and staff I am delighted to hear about the impact these exciting new areas are already making.” Heather Dunk OBE, Principal of Ayrshire College, said "I am delighted that our students have access to a range of new and improved learning and social spaces. I would like to thank the Ayrshire College Foundation for the funding that made these developments possible." Lainey McKinlay, Student President of the Ayrshire College Student Association, said “From speaking with students we know they are delighted with the new facilities. Throughout the first week of the new term we kept hearing students say the space and facilities were amazing. These top quality facilities will benefit many students for years to come.” 

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