Motorists in South Ayrshire can expect smoother journeys with Kincaidston Drive set for a £562,500 resurfacing project – the biggest chunk of a £4.3 million investment in South Ayrshire's roads announced by the council this week.

The funding aims to improve transport infrastructure across South Ayrshire over the next three years, with a focus on resurfacing, reconstruction, footpaths, bridges, coastal defences, and energy-saving LED street lights.
Councillor Bob Pollock, Economic Development Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said:
“Despite budget pressures, we continue to invest in our roads network. Our transport infrastructure is crucial to economic growth with our roads are one of our most valuable assets.
“We continue to balance the investment in our roads with a growing number of active travel projects, recognising the physical and mental health benefits of walking, cycling and wheeling.”
While Kincaidston Drive takes the top billing this year, the £4.3 million investment promises improvements across South Ayrshire's road network in the coming years.