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This spring, police in Ayrshire are working with partners across Scotland in reminding dog owners of their responsibilities when exercising their pets in the countryside.

“Your Dog – Your Responsibility” is a 5 month campaign being run by the Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime (SPARC) to ensure dog owners understand the distressing nature as well as emotional and financial impacts such incidents can have.

Sergeant Robertson of Arran Locality Policing Team states:

“Although incidents of livestock worrying are mercifully rare on Arran, with lambing season underway it should not be underestimated the impact an out-of-control dog can have in a field. Even the stress of being merely chased can lead to the loss of the livestock affected.”

“The vast majority of dog owners that either reside on or visit the island are responsible, however it is important to remember that regardless of whether a dog has been let off a lead and not obeying commands the owner is always responsible.”

“Arran has some of the finest scenery in Scotland, and islanders are rightly proud of their home. Although a leisure destination for many, the island is a workplace for others and I would ask that dog owners are mindful of livestock, respect the access code, and remain vigilant.

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Further information regarding the Scottish Outdoor Access Code and dog ownership can be found here:

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