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Police appealing for information after Kilmarnock robbery

Detectives are appealing for information following a robbery at a shop in Kilmarnock on Wednesday 28 March 2019.

Around 9.10pm a 29 year old woman was working within Heather Stores in Holehouse Road when a man entered.

He produced a knife, threatened the woman and demanded money from the till.

The suspect then made off from the shop with a three figure sum of cash and a quantity of cigarettes.

He joined another man who has been waiting outside the store and they made off towards Grassyard Road.

The man who entered the store is described as of slim build and wearing a black hooded top with white piping on both shoulders, the hood was up and covering his face. He was also wearing black jogging bottoms with white piping and dark coloured trainers.

The man waiting outside is described as of medium build and wearing a hooded top, which was black at the top and a lighter colour at the bottom, with the hood up. He was also wearing grey jogging trousers and trainers with a thick white sole.

Detective Constable Scott Bradley from Kilmarnock CID said: “This was an extremely frightening experience for the shop assistant and it is vital that we trace the two individuals involved.

“I would appeal to anyone who was near to Heather Stores last night and noticed anyone lurking around outside, or anything at all suspicious, to please get in touch. I would also urge anyone who saw two men matching the above descriptions in the area to come forward.

“Any motorists with dashcams who were in the vicinity are asked to check their footage in case they have captured anything which could be of significance to our enquiries.

“Anyone with information is asked to contact Kilmarnock CID via 101, quoting incident number 4060 of Wednesday 28 March 2019. Alternatively you can call CRIMESTOPPERS on 0800 555 111 where details can be provided anonymously.”

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