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Prestwick Promenade Celebrations is yet another success for 2015! - As we can see entertainer and TV star Magic Malky poses for a cheeky selfie with the rest of the entertainers who will be named further into this article.

The Prom has said to be another year of success say public & visitors of the Annual event that takes place in Preswick. A member of the public the Ayrshire Daily News spoke to at the event said: "It's a fantastic event, put on by a fabulous committee, it's a great day out for family & friends - Preswick prom is the place to be and what makes it even better is the suns out".

At 12.30pm Provost Helen Moonie officially opened the event at the seafront and presents the prince and princess of the Prestwick gala week.

The opening parade of vintage cars and classic motorcycles went from Sainsburys to Boydfield Gardens.

The main parade had started around noon at Boydfrield Gardens and leading to the seafront. It was led by piper Scott Barry with some local children carrying the flags of the Prestwick Promenade celebrations - the Saltire, Union Jack and the Commonwealth.

The stage was hosted and MC'd by Ayr Gaiety Panto star Colin Ferguson who also had a shot at singing at the event himself. - The following acts who performed at the Prom where Ayrshire's Magic Malky, Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra, David Lees (ventriloquist), Nicola Cassells (opera singer), Magician Alex Proctor, Jennie Campbell's School of Dancing, Lynne Crombie School of Dance and a spectacular Zumba Performace.

The Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra was LIVE streamed and filmed to the internet click this link to watch the live stream recording - Click to view live recording

If that wasn't enough, the Family event had more to offer including a Fairground from giant show business codona's funfairs and a variety of displays including veteran cars, motorcycles, model boat display and much more.

Photo's by Prestwick Promenade Celebrations Facebook page.

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