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South Ayrshire Gains Top Marks for School Leavers

South Ayrshire Council's dedication to ensuring school leavers move on to positive destinations was highlighted, as Scottish Government figures reveal that we are once again top in Scotland.

The School Leaver Destination (SLDR) Follow-Up Report, published on 14 June 2022, confirmed that an outstanding 97.6% of our young people have a positive destination to go to when they leave school. As the national average is 93.2%, this achievement demonstrates our commitment to helping young people fulfill their potential.

South Ayrshire Council's Portfolio Holder for Education, Councillor Stephen Ferry said:

"I am delighted that the hard work and determination of our Education and Thriving Communities staff and partners have once again been reflected by this outstanding result.

"Our young people are the future, so it is incredibly important that they are provided with the best opportunities to achieve their goals

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