The Ayrshire Roads Alliance, as part of its ongoing program to improve the condition of the road network, will be carrying out essential road resurfacing works on the A70, Cumnock starting on Saturday 20 February.
To carry out this work safely and efficiently the road will require to be closed for the duration of each phase of the works.
Motorists are advised to watch out for the Advance Notification Signage, which will be erected on-site with the dates of each phased closure. The works will start on Saturday 20 February and are due to be completed by Saturday 12 March. The road will be closed daily during Phase 1 and Phase 2 from 07:00 to 18:00.
Phase 3 will be carried out at night to reduce the impact on the local community.
PHASE 1 – from Saturday 20 February starting at the junction with Lugar Street (B7083) to the petrol station for approximately a week.
PHASE 2 – starting at the garage and ending at 130 Barhill Road for approximately a week.
PHASE 3 – from New Bridge Street to the Lugar Street junction.
Resident access will be maintained throughout and traffic marshals will be on hand to direct traffic safely through the works site. Emergency access will be maintained during the road closures and through the works site. Diversions will be signed and in place for the duration of the works.
It is hoped that the resurfacing work will be completed within the timescales stipulated, however, the work is weather dependent and any unforeseen difficulties could result in a delay.
Should you have any concerns regarding the works or the diversion please contact the Ayrshire Roads Alliance on 01563 503160.