Following consultation with tenants last year, South Ayrshire Council will increase rents by 1.5%.

The yearly rise, which will be fixed for the next three years, means an increase of less than £1.50 per week for the majority of tenants.
The decision means the continuation of the housing capital investment programme to ensure tenants live in modernised and energy-efficient homes which meet their needs. The aim now is to internally modernise 3,050 homes over the next five years.
During the consultation, tenants were asked for their top three investment priorities. Their first was new windows; next external wall insulation, and finally for more investment into building Council housing.
Since 2018, up to 722 homes have been identified to receive new windows. This work is complete for properties in the North and South Carrick villages. Further works are underway to complete properties in Annbank, Tarbolton and Craigie Village. In addition, external wall insulation, reroofing and render upgrade programmes are taking place across South Ayrshire. There is also provision for new affordable homes to be built by the Council over the next five years.
Based on the consultation feedback, there will be no changes to how we charge rent for sheltered housing. There will also be a freeze on rent charges for homeless temporary accommodation, and rent on most new build properties will stay the same for a further three years.
Councillor Philip Saxton, Housing and Community Wellbeing Portfolio Holder for South Ayrshire Council said: “Many Councils are having to make difficult decisions on rent increases at the moment. Unfortunately, not putting up rent was not an option, so in line with tenant feedback, we have gone for the smallest increase possible which still allows us to improve our housing stock and deliver on the commitments previously agreed with our tenants.”